How it works
The BioLight Toxy measures the light levels
of the marine bacterium AliiVibrio fischeri, used in the BioLight
reagent to determine the toxicity of a sample. Results are reported in % effect
or EC50 (effective concentration 50%) dependent on the protocol and use of the
portable or bench-top instrument.
Using the BioLight Toxy along with Aqua
Science BioLight Multi or Single Reagents and consumables provides testing that
can screen over 3,600 chemical compounds simultaneously, while also detecting
synergistic toxicity effects.
The bacteria elicit the brightest light
levels following reconstitution. These light levels are measured prior to
sample exposure and over time after exposure to a sample, using a luminometer.
The luminometer measures the changes in the light to indicate the levels of
Global Standards and Approvals:
International - ISO Standard 11348-3:2006
Canada - G-50 Regulatory Standard
France - AFNOR T 90-320 Standard
Germany - DIN Standard (DIN 38412 part 34)
Italy - Wastewater Reg. Dlg. 152
Netherlands - Dutch Standards Group (NNI)
Spain - Soil and Wastewater Regulatory
Standard UNE-ISO5667
Sweden - Industrial Effluent Standard
Mexico - NMX-AA-112-SCFI-2017
U.S. - ASTM Standard D5660-96
U.S. - Standard Methods for Examination of
Water and Wastewater
Microbiotests TOXKITS are used for research
and toxicity monitoring for a variety of applications. The test species and the
test protocols are the same as in many standardised toxicity tests. The dormant
or immobilized test species can be stored for months and “activated” (=
hatched, de-immobilised or germinated) at the time of the performance of the