Sykam S 151-A Ion Chromatography is a modular system
equipped with an autosampler and an isocratic pump. It can be customized to any
System Configuration in Details:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->Reagent
Organizer S 600
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->S
1130 Isocratic Pump
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->S
5300 Sample Injector System
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->S
3120 Conductivity Detector (optional: Auto Suppressor)
Sykam S 151-M Manual Ion Chromatography system offers
a more economical version with the option to upgrade to an automatic system in
the future.
System Configuration in Details:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->Reagent
Organizer S 600
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->S
1130 Isocratic Pump
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->S
6120 Manual Needle Injection Valve
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->S
3120 Conductivity Detector (optional: Auto Suppressor)
The IC System S153-A is equipped with an autosampler
and two isocratic pumps for dual and simultaneous analysis of anions and
System Configuration in Details:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->Reagent
Organizer S 600
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->2 x S
1130 Isocratic Pump
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->S
5300 Sample Injector System
<!--[if !supportLists]-->ü <!--[endif]-->S
3120 Conductivity Detector including an Integrated Auto Suppressor
S 600 range is built as a modular configurable system which consists of micro,
analytical and semi-preparative pumps, an autosampler with a capacity of 120
samples and optional sample temperature control, column ovens and a range of
detectors. Apart from complete automated PC-controlled configurations, the
modular nature of the system also allows for independent operation of each unit
of choice.
Sykam S 633 Amino Acid Analyzer is developed as a complete operational system
completed with a series of ready to use buffers, reagents and columns for
physiological fluids and food/feedstuff hydrolysate amino acid analysis. It incorporates
the latest sophisticated dual inert HPLC pump with built in in-line vacuum
degassing both for buffer and reagent delivery and a high-quality post column
derivatization and detection system.
Sykam S 700 series of preparative HPLC modules and preparative HPLC systems
offers the user a wide range of possible system configurations. Whether you
need a simple isocratic chromatography system with manual sample injection or a
fully automated quaternary high pressure gradient system for multi-dimensional
chromatography with column switching and reversed flow capabilities.