MicroSnap™ Coliform is a rapid test for detection and enumeration
of Coliform bacteria. The test uses a novel bioluminogenic test reaction that
generates light when enzymes that are characteristic of Coliform bacteria react
with specialized substrates. The light is then quantified in the EnSURE™
• Results after 6-8 hours
• AOAC-RI Performance Tested MethodSM #071302
* Requires
incubator and luminometer.
MicroSnap™ Coliform & E. coli Enrichment Broth (2mL) is
designed for testing large-volume filterable liquids such as water and
beverages where low-level contamination with Coliform bacteria is a concern.
The Enrichment Broth is used in conjunction with MicroSnap Coliform or E.
coli Detection Devices and quantified in an EnSURE™ luminometer. Single
figure organisms can be detected in 8 hours, delivering results in the same
working day or shift, so product can be released earlier, or corrective actions
may be taken sooner.
• AOAC-RI Performance Tested Method #071302
• Easy to read quantitative results with EnSURE™ luminometer
*Requires Microsnap Detection Devices, Luminometer and Incubator.
MicroSnap™ E. coli is a rapid test for detection and enumeration of E. coli. The test uses a novel bioluminogenic reaction that generates light when enzymes that are characteristic of E. coli bacteria react with specialized substrates. The light is then quantified in the EnSURE™ luminometer.
• Results after 8 hours
• AOAC-RI Performance Tested Method SM #071302
* Requires
incubator and luminometer.
MicroSnap™ Total delivers same-day TVC test results for
gram-positive and negative bacteria, including E. coli, Listeria, Shigella,
Vibrio, Bacillus, Staphylococcus, and Pseudomonas. The test uses a
novel bioluminogenic test reaction that generates light when enzymes that are
characteristic of viable bacteria react with. The light is then quantified with
the EnSURE™ luminometer.
• AOAC-RI Performance Tested Method SM #031501
• Results
after 7 hours.